Enjoy recipes from our two newest partners Growing Up Gable and Food and Style

There are so many amazing food bloggers on the internet these days creating awesome new dishes, writing with style, and taking some splendid photos. But at Chicory, we're proud to give you the best recipes from the best recipe bloggers on the web.

We just partnered with two new amazing bloggers, Viviane Bauquet Farre of Food and Style and Camille Gabel of Growing Up Gabel.

Learn more about them and discover some of their recipes:

Viviane Bauquet Farre

Camille Gabel

Food and Style

A modern twist on classic vegetarian foods. Viviane's recipes can inspire anyone to eat healthier and spend more time in the kitchen. Some might seem a little challenging at first glance but almost all of them take under 30 minutes to prepare and use groceries your'e very familiar with - just in new and exciting ways.

Growing Up Gabel

Home cooking for the modern American family. Camille's recipes help busy home cooks create week day meals that taste great and that will become favorites for the whole family. Her blog also covers DIY projects, motherhood advice, and a whole lot more!

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